Citizenship in Bangladesh is primarily acquired on the principle of ius sanguinis- subject to the Citizenship Act of 1951, a person born to at least one Bangladeshi parent shall be considered a Bangladeshi citizen.
Upon marrying a Bangladeshi citizen, an individual may apply for Bangladeshi citizenship. The governing rule for the application is Rule 3(1) of the Bangladesh Citizenship (Temporary Provisions) Rules, 1978. Under Rule 4(1) of the Bangladesh Citizenship (Temporary Provisions) Rules, 1978, and order 4 of the Bangladesh Citizenship (Temporary Provisions) Order, 1972, to apply for Bangladeshi citizenship an individual needs to declare through an affidavit the leaving of his/her main country of residence.
Furthermore, a foreign trader, business person, or investor who wants to apply for permanent residency in Bangladesh, may apply in accordance with the Rules 4A or 4B of the Bangladesh Citizenship (Temporary Provisions) Rules, 1978.
In Bangladesh, dual citizenship and nationality is not permitted by law. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, as dual citizenship may be allowed under limited circumstances. The government may grant citizenship of Bangladesh to any person who is a citizen of any state of Europe or North America or of any other state which the government may, by notification in the official Gazette, specify in this behalf. The decision of the government is final in giving the status of dual citizenship.
To have the dual citizenship, an individual of Bangladeshi origin must follow some prescribed procedures. Bangladeshi origins who are citizens of the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and Europe may apply for a Dual Nationality Certificate. This certificate makes it legal to possess a Bangladeshi passport in addition to a foreign passport.